Being Afraid Of Change Means You're About To Do Something Really Brave.
Change - significant, lasting change - can be frightening, even paralyzing. Even when you know real change is the only way to achieve the kind of life you really are meant to lead.
I created Boost Life Coaching to be your partner in that journey. Real change - the kind that improves your well-being in meaningful, measurable ways - can be confusing and difficult to achieve on your own. Having the experience, support and guidance of a trained life coach will give you the confidence to set clear goals and stick to them.
I want you to know that throughout my life I've faced the same challenges and obstacles as everyone. The processes and approach we'll use to help you accomplish your goals are the ones I've already tested in the real-world to accomplish mine.
If you're ready to re-discover the inner glow you felt as a child, then make it a point to visit this site often, sign up for my newsletter and communicate and interact with me and like-minded seekers.
Valerie Kerr - Boost Life Coaching
We Can Do Anything
We Can Dream
She sits on the porch
contemplating the horizon
her little girl dreams lost
pensive and somber
Wondering what happened to her joy,
those years too long
Eyes closed, she sees - From the day
I was born...
If only I lived like a Unicorn
~Val Kerr
Live Like A Unicorn
Recapture The Joy Of Youth
Happiness Flows From The Inside Out.
As children our world bubbled over with joy, excitement and enthusiasm. Every day was a new beginning, a fresh start. We found happiness and laughter in the simplest of things, and routine events held a sense of significance, wonder and awe.
Just being was an adventure.
Somewhere along the way into adulthood most of us lose the inner radiance that shines on the mundane workings of life and makes them glow and sparkle. The cares, worries and responsibilities of "growing up" throw a dark blanket over that light. Most of us try to rekindle the spark with "things"- careers, financial success, homes, cars, vacations and all the trappings of success society tells us should make us happy and fulfilled, but ultimately leave us empty.
This site is devoted to helping you break the rules imposed on us, rescue your dreams and re-create the magical life you enjoyed as a child. It's never too late to rediscover and unearth the sense of freedom, joy and endless possibilities we knew as children - and still have buried, hidden, within us all.
Take A Good Look At Your Life.
Do all of the things that are supposed to make me happy leave me feeling empty and unfulfilled instead?
Does contentment, fulfillment and satisfaction always seem just out of reach - something that happens tomorrow, later.... or never?
Has success become an unattainable moving target, and a source of frustration?
Do I always feel like I should be happy, but I'm not?